Acheel insurtech passes the 100,000 contract mark

Just one year after obtaining its insurance license from the ACPR, the insurtech company Acheel announced that it had raised €29 million from the investment funds Serena Capital and Portag3 Ventures (Sagard); Xavier Niel now holds more than 20% of its capital. Acheel has specialized in niche markets (home, supplementary health and dog and cat insurance), but now aims to become a true generalist insurer.


  • AssurTech Acheel, which launched a year ago on the home and health insurance markets, has just passed the 100,000 contracts signed mark. By comparison, the unicorn Alan, positioned solely on health, took three and a half years to reach this number, while Luko, specializing in home insurance, took 18 months.
  • According to the figures published by the start-up, about 50% of its contracts come from its direct insurance sales activity (mainly home and dog-cat insurance). The other half comes from its partnerships with brokers and wholesalers (Santiane and Meilleurtaux in particular), most of which concern health contracts.
  • Its acquisition costs, all products combined (health, home, dog-cat and non-occupant owner) average 70 euros; that of the home is around 50 euros, or about 30% less than for traditional insurers.
  • On its BtoB activity, the AssurTech has collected 35 million euros in premiums in one year. But it does not intend to stop there and presents an ambitious growth plan: 200,000 contracts by the end of the year and 70 million euros in premiums, i.e. a doubling of its activity. To achieve this, Acheel wants to continue to diversify its business and should expand into Southern Europe in 2023 like its main competitors.


  • A distribution model that combines BtoB and BtoC: like other French AssurTechs, Acheel wants to grow both through its direct activity, but also through partnerships and by providing its infrastructure to other companies. Thus, its BtoB activity consists of building customized insurance products for third-party players. But Acheel stands out because of its status as an insurance company, which allows it to limit intermediaries. Today, many players in the market claim to be neo-insurers, but they actually act as brokers, unlike Acheel.

  • A digital background: Acheel’s founders have a triple competence in the world of technology, customer acquisition and the insurance industry. These assets allow them to understand the complexity of the insurance business as a whole.

  • A generalist ambition: being able to do multi-equipment has the advantage of allowing faster profitability, where most companies that launch on a single product will have to wait several years before passing this threshold. In particular, Acheel will be launching a car insurance product at the end of the month, a product that has a high premium and drives volume online.


  • To stand out from its competitors Lovys and Luko In order to differentiate itself from its competitors, Acheel launched last September a non-occupant owner insurance offer with a differentiated pricing, starting at 69 euros per year.
  • Like other insurance start-ups, Acheel intends to stand out for the simplicity of its offer (a single formula, three levels of capital) and its subscription (officially in two minutes).
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